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I-11 Corridor Project

After speaking with our federal officials, they say it is up to State officials and department heads to map the corridor for I-11 but we have federal elected officials who are currently, at this moment, proposing an alternate route for the I-11 corridor that will be included in a Federal Lands Bill.  It is imperative that we hit both State and Federal Officials in our writing or calling campaign not to have Mineral County by-passed.  We need to include in our effort to fight the by-passing of Mineral County, the statement that the text of the Lands Bill should contain absolutely no maps or text referring to the routing of the I-11 Corridor. 

Please find a sample letter that contains the information needed to put forth the strong message to our Representatives that this in an organized mission of the County entities, the county's businesses and citizens, and the HWAD administrative staff and the Mineral County is not going to be passive and silent on this.

Letter to Representatives

Legislative Contacts